Ann's Corner

A taste of FAITH, a touch of LAUGHTER.

Step on it!



I say step on it! You might cry for a bit, but it WILL make you DO something about the problem.

I avoided the scale like it was the plague for many years. I just did not want to KNOW! Then one day I had to step on it for a doctor. I cried inside. I knew something had to be done.

I was 114 lbs when I arrived in Canada in 1972. Initially, I gained a lot of weight having my son and not really working to lose it afterwards.

I gained and gained for years after that. Too much ice cream and sugar. Too many tempting goodies. I lived with only guys in the house and my eating matched theirs.

I had trouble moving around, walking, just doing things, even sitting, because of the extra weight. It wasn’t a good time, but I didn’t really care. I just kept buying bigger clothes, ’till I got to the largest size.

Happily, things changed. I won’t go into all the details here at this time, but there were some major shifts that took place.

I went from over 230 lbs plus (I don’t exactly know how heavy I got) to my current 172 lbs today (I was happily in the 160’s before Christmas). I don’t worry about it so much any more, because I know that by exercising, eating properly, drinking water and stepping on that scale daily, I can reach my goal of 150 lbs at some point.

It has been a lot of hard personal work. The body has to be retrained and pushed. I’m pretty proud of my achievements, and thank God for the perseverance He has granted me to get the job done.

One day I found a pic of how I used to look at one point. I was SHOCKED to see myself! Wow! So I used that pic to make a before and after shot, mostly to encourage myself, but hopefully to encourage someone else too.

Here it is……


Don’t be afraid to step on that scale, even if it makes you CRY! It’s the first step to making things better!

AJ ❤

10 comments on “Step on it!

  1. La Panzona {Pahn.So.Nuh}
    January 22, 2015

    Congratulations. That’s quite the accomplishment. Taking medication makes it harder for me to shed the post-baby lbs. I don’t even have a full-length mirror! I knew that I was way too big when I looked at pictures other people had taken of me. Thank you for this post. What a great reminder and motivator 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • annj49
      January 22, 2015

      You are welcome! Glad you got simething out of it 🙂


  2. sonsothunder
    January 23, 2015

    “Weigh” to go girl ! You rock !

    Liked by 1 person

  3. insanitybytes22
    January 23, 2015

    Congratulations! LOL, love that cartoon.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Gwen
    January 24, 2015

    What a wonderful post. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. overweightanddating
    January 24, 2015

    Wow!!! You have definitely encouraged me!!! Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

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January 2015
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