Ann's Corner

A taste of FAITH, a touch of LAUGHTER.

Nature’s Lessons…..

My Friend Daniel Leal’s Video Thoughts

The Life of Trees

I saw my friend Daniel’s post on Facebook. I watched the video. His summary of what he saw inspired me (he is usually very encouraging), so I responded in a comment as follows:

“There is a definite spiritual application here.
We are not all at the same place in our spiritual walk but there is beauty and sometimes unseen growth potential to be found in us all and we shall bloom in due season.
I like the bare trees as much as (sometimes more than) the trees in full bloom.
What a wonder is God’s creation!
If only we could appreciate our brothers and sisters, our neighbours, on earth for the beauty and potential they have exactly where they are at in life.
Great back yard!

I also mentioned that I would like to make a blog post if I could.

Here is his response:

“You’ll never know until you try my sweet sister.
Not just mine but many more.
We oldies can still be used in the vineyard in one way or another.
You are an excellent teacher.
We never retire in our personal ministry.
Stay safe my sister Ann.”

So, believing that I have permission, here is my blog post! I will share it with Daniel when it is posted, for his approval….

I am truly inspired by Daniel’s meditative thought as he sits in his back yard looking at nature and finding a lesson. Wow. A revelation.

I think of life in general. All those people. Some we know, some we don’t, but we see them. Neighbours, friends, strangers. Young, old, sad, happy, frustrated, worried, joyful, well dressed or tattered.

We do not know where they are on their journey, but God does, and he cares intimately. As His children, He asks us to notice and to care also with the gift He has given us, that of spiritual sight, through the eyes of eternity.

Look beyond the surface. See the potential. Try to understand and appreciate the journey. This is what I am urged to do.

l try to remember this, though Covid days of masking and distancing make things a little more difficult. I miss seeing expressions and being able to relate freely with others.

How about YOU?

Care to share your experiences?

Comment below……

Ann ❤

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This entry was posted on March 19, 2021 by in Blog.


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