Ann's Corner

A taste of FAITH, a touch of LAUGHTER.

Eating Out in Covid (Or, Adventures With Eva)

A lady friend (Eva) and I went on a trip yesterday. The trip was originally planned to pick up a piece of furniture, a bed, from an elderly couple down island, which required the use of my little pick up truck (her own vehicle would not do).

I didn’t really look forward to driving, though I did want to help a friend out and had said I would. I have not done many longer trips lately, having another friend who likes to drive and offers to do those longer kind of trips. I have just been tootling around on short ventures around my current home town. I can even get lost there!

I don’t like trying to find new places. I have to trust Google maps to get me there and sometimes that fails, like my last trip, where I made my nephew late for his appointment when Google maps could not get me to the right place. Luckily he had an understanding doctor.

Frustrating! So stressful! (Reminds me of other travel stories for other posts! One day!). I was rather tense on the way there, in anticipation of a Google mess up in front of a friend. It was not a relaxing drive by any means.

However, after some argument about the differing directions in our different phones’ Google maps, and me resolutely and stubbornly sticking to my own idea, we successfully found the location of the bed. Eva admitted it had been a good route to use after all. It got us right there in a manner I could handle.

We got the bed successfully out of its former home and it was nicely packed into the back of the truck and protected from potential weather hazards. Phew!!!! Something accomplished! A weight lifted off!

Eva wanted to take me for a meal as a thank you gift now, so we set out on a search for the place that she had in mind, called Common Ground. She said it was a lovely experience in an unusual setting, with great food. Sounded good, but something else to navigate. Another unknown to find…..

Eva had googled it so perhaps we would find it 😉 A meal sounded nice. Eva called ahead to book a spot. Turns out it didn’t need to be booked. It was first come first served in Covid days.

We had argued a bit again en route about the different Google routes in our different phones but this time I yielded to her suggestion (shorter route) and we followed that almost to the end until Eva asked me to stop because she saw it! Not where Google said it was, I commented, and not at the end of the Google route, but she said it was the right name (only it was Yellow Deli, not common Ground, which confused me). However, it definitely looked like an interesting place! It was rather unique architecturally and painted mostly yellow! Unfortunately, I forgot to take a pic!

I managed to get parked and we got out only to find that it was completely locked up! How could that be? It had the name Yellow Deli on a sign, which was still confusing me, but Eva said that was correct, despite having looked for the Common Ground restaurant in Google. Eva had talked to someone on the phone, though, so it did exist…..somewhere. Just not here! ?!?!?!?

I suggested maybe we follow the Google directions to the end of the map. Maybe it had relocated since she was last there? Eva was a bit perplexed and even dubious but agreed.

We got back in the truck and set off again. There it was, not too far away, right at the end of the map…..and though it wasn’t marvelously yellow, and without that unusual architecture, it was a lovely cottage like building with the name Yellow Deli! (I would later discover that Google showed you THAT name if you entered Common Ground in a search. Thus the confusion! It remains a mystery about the other building we found. What was THAT?)

The Yellow Deli

Now that we had arrived at our destination and were seated, with all the current protocols safely in place (masks/social distancing), we perused the menu and made our choices.

I gave Eva her Christmas present (a bit late since I had not seen her) while we waited for our order and I took some pictures of the restaurant interior.


Ann and the fireplace

It was definitely worth the visit, no matter how we got there. It was indeed unique, with its cozy booths, upturned fruit basket lamp shades, macramé hangings and art work (see pics) and the food was so wonderful (soup/salad/sandwich) that I forgot to take my usual pictures of that until I was almost finished the luscious cheesecake with strawberries dessert! Haha!!!

Shell inlay (in resin) on our table

Basket lamp syle


Alcove across from us

Macramé hanging detail

Mostly eaten cheesecake with strawberries!

Well, we left there gloriously full of good food and feeling very happy indeed. We headed out to go home. I had to take the bed to Eva’s house, which involved a short ferry trip to the island where she lived. We lugged and tugged and puffed and panted and somehow got the bed inside the house and into the bedroom. Yay! Success!

So, after our efforts, we had a visit and she gave me my Christmas stocking of presents. Then we ate some more! Her lovely homemade soup! And more dessert! Oh my!!!!

It was time to get the ferry back to my home and for Eva to retrieve her own vehicle from the terminal, so off we went! I parked my truck at the terminal to wait for the loading.

Well, before leaving in her own truck, Eva took a notion that she wanted us to share fries (how could we eat any more?!) so she went and ordered some at the terminal. They were ready before it was time to load and she brought them over to my truck. They smelled delicious! How could I NOT try some? They were so fresh and so GOOD! Oh boy!

Before I leave off this story, I got some moon pics on the way home. They are not the clearest with this new iPhone 8. The camera on my old iphone 5 was the best!!!! I sure miss it! Anyway, here they are……

It was another Eva adventure. No wonder I had put on a few pounds when I stepped on my scale this morning! What a FEAST!!!!! I even had takeout…. 😉 😛

Adventures with Eva!!!

Always memorable!

Always fun!

Thanks, Eva

Ann ❤

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This entry was posted on December 29, 2020 by in Blog, friends, travel.


December 2020
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