Ann's Corner

A taste of FAITH, a touch of LAUGHTER.

Sunday Blessings!

Feb 23, 2020

Facebook post:

“Blessed at a different church (one I was not sure would be a “fit”) this morning, by an awesome message, (thanks Brian!) but unfortunately lost my keys down a pew where my purse had been stuck. Made it all the way home before I saw my house keys were GONE!

Back to the church to retrieve said keys, and to come out and find Maggie McGrath, Benny McGrath, and to be on the joyous receiving end of enthusiastic hugs from the McGrath kids piling out of the vehicle!

Would not have missed THAT for the world!



I really had misgivings about my choice of church this morning, since I had to relocate, but God knows EXACTLY what He is doing! I’m so glad he gently but patiently leads us in the direction, even when it doesn’t seem “right” to us, with our limited vision and perspective.

In looking at the church website, I was intrigued to find a choice of music worship styles, traditional and contemporary. Huh! Interesting!

I thought, traditional, for me, because I like the old hymns. Unfortunately, that was not what I was ushered into when I asked. A little disappointing. I must be WAY too dated if those songs were traditional! I almost left right there, but I hung in and I knew a couple of the chorus songs presented.

After singing, there was coffee, then back to our seats for the message. Announcements revealed that the church was in transition (like my life right now) so THAT’S why things were not at all familiar!

I knew the young man who was going to deliver the message (from his childhood days with our family) so this was interesting. I was impressed and challenged.

I was SUPPOSED to be right there to listen to these words. As I said, God knows EXACTLY what He is doing, what we need, and where we should be at any given time, no matter the visible outcome. That’s because he already knows everything from beginning to end.

I was deeply touched and had joy in my heart. I decided to leave the church quickly to head home. I went to retrieve my purse from the seat and the keys on my purse strap had wedged in the space between the upper and lower part of the pew. I struggled with that until it broke free and left quickly as planned, unaware of my lost building/unit keys!

However, if it hadn’t been for the lost keys and the delay in driving all the way back to the church, and finding out where the missing keys had been stored, I would not have run directly into the McGrath family (they were on their way out of the parking lot in a vehicle) whose children I had nannied some years ago as Grannie Annie!

God’s timing. Perfect, as usual!

Such a lovely surprise and an encouragement to my heart ❤

Thank you, Lord, for the morning blessings!

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