Ann's Corner

A taste of FAITH, a touch of LAUGHTER.

The Value of a “LIKE”
I’m reposting this blog from The Honking Goose, because the question asked raises some valuable points about WordPress “likes” and blogger behaviours in general for me. The discussion comments after the post are interesting to follow too, if you do that sort of thing. I do….

I commented some thoughts there, which I will repost here.

“When read a post, I hope I can genuinely “like ” It. If I do, I press like, unless I can’t rightly “like” the content for some reason. If that’s the case, I try to leave a comment so that the person will know I read the post. I would like people to do the same for me.”

“I think if someone “likes” my post for some particular reason, other than agreeing with it, I’d like to know more about that. Otherwise, I’m left thinking that the person is in agreement.”

“I’ve had “likes” immediately after posting a long detailed post. It does make you wonder….do some people see the pic and an initial comment in the reader and like it from there without clicking through to read the post?”

“Maybe WordPress needs to make a button pop up that says “WHY?” after you click “like”, so that you HAVE to say something decent about why you like it 😉 :P“


So, what is the real VALUE of a “like”?
Why do YOU DO “likes”?
What does it MEAN to you when YOU get a “like”?

I want to know, so post your answer here, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE check the blog link (The Honking Goose) and interact there also, because that’s where this post originates from! I love when another blog post inspires me to think, or to actually write something 😉 😛

Check it out:

Inquiring minds want to know….. 😉

Ann 🙂

7 comments on “The Value of a “LIKE”

  1. Speaking for more than myself, I’m fairly certain
    I follow many bloggers, so there aren’t enough minutes in the day to comment on each post of every single one every single time (especially since there are more than a few who post daily or several a day.) I don’t expect it from my followers either – although I’m always thrilled to find a comment from one of them, and try to respond in an authentic manner.

    FIRST – and several times most days – I click like from new posts in the reader to help their stats (and truly appreciate same) – and then go back to jump over to scan quickly more posts than I can really justify, given what else I have to do. So if your post is at the top – JUST sent – you’re right, I haven’t read it YET. Doesn’t mean I won’t.

    I spend about an hour (or more) every single day sprinkling comments on the blogs of my buds – in addition to the hours I spend answering them on my own blog, jumping over to return the favor by leaving one on theirs – after finding and reading a post that inspires me to comment more than “I was here – thanks for your comment on my turf.”

    I still have to find time to research and write my own content, bathe, house-keep, walk, groom and play with my puppy, and -oh yeah- reserve SOME time for activities that keep a roof over our heads and food on our tables. And THEN there are those who want to correspond by email or on Facebook as well. I wish I had more than 24 hours each day, but none of us do – and all of us have to sleep for a goodly portion of them.

    My advice? Don’t personalize engagement – especially infrequent. The fact that they are liking and reading AT ALL means you are doing something right. If you truly need the feedback, you might think about hiring an editor – very few of your blog buddies will have the time to fill that role.

    I’m going to jump over and copy this comment on the source. Even tho’ it’s 6:15 PM on a Sat., I have about 8 hours of actual income-producing WORK to do before I can sleep — and my puppy got sick, so he needs a bath.

    My two cents. Hope this illuminates some of the actions of others as well.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMore dot com)
    – ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder –
    “It takes a village to educate a world!”

    Liked by 3 people

    • annj49
      October 29, 2016

      Wow, THANKS for the detailed response! Much appreciated! It’s good to have a window into how other people manage things, even with a busy schedule ❤

      I know time is a big factor, and I miss out on MANY opportunities to read/comment by doing it the way I do. However, I hope that any recognition I do give is true and worthwhile. I want it to mean something.

      Clicking "like"to help stats along IS helpful, but what if one inadvertently aligns one's self with content that might not be agreeable if the post was actually read? That is one of my fears. That's why I don't click like unless I have read and agree with content in some form, then qualify, if necessary, by a comment.

      Thanks for the 2 cents! I think it was likely worth more than a few dollars 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • You are a doll to say so, and please don’t think I’m trying to change how you do things.

        btw- if, once I read the article, I decide I can’t agree or support, I click like again, which removes it. Rarely have to do that, however, since I vet my follows up front -waiting until I have a good sense of their thinking before I follow.

        Plus, since mental health is the focus of my blog, I can’t actually “like” what I read (on the blogs of chronic pain advocates, for example) – some disclose sad experiences that nobody with a heart could actually LIKE.

        We need a “good job/well said/thanks for sharing” button!


        Liked by 2 people

  2. Scott Nagele
    October 31, 2016

    I use LIKE because I think people like to know who is reading their blogs, even if I don’t have the time or inclination to leave a comment.

    Liked by 1 person

    • annj49
      October 31, 2016

      Yes, it’s nice to see who has visited at least…..


  3. jazzyjenness
    November 5, 2016

    I only click like if I actually have read the blog or post and actually took something away from it. I know nothing about the stats here as of yet. I can totally relate to not enough time in the day for every blog, every household task, schoolwork, family, reading, God time, etc.. Currently, I am trying to catch up on every email in my author email and look over every blog. I went from 265 at 11 a.m today and am only at 198 right now. OYE VAE!!!!! I need to try and make time each day to devote not only to one blog on my own site, but also reading other ones so that I don’t spend 24 plus hours reading blogs from the past week. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • annj49
      November 5, 2016

      There just isn’t enough time. That’s what I find too, even if I dedicate lots to it. I think the thing might be to have a plan, like you right now, and make priorities, on some sort of schedule. Hoping to work on something for both reading and writing this next week. I’m retired, so I think I can turn it into a bit of a “job”, if I really try .

      Liked by 1 person

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