Ann's Corner

A taste of FAITH, a touch of LAUGHTER.

For the Moms


Being a Mom is a joy and a pleasure, a heartache and a heartbreak. Who could foresee the summit of the highs or the depth of the lows? What could ever prepare a woman to be a Mom?


It’s a CALLING.…..

For some, it lands upon us by surprise, which may be good or bad. It’s going to be what you make of it. It’s not easy.

For some, it’s a planned event, welcomed wholeheartedly and prepared for carefully. You are ready. What a pleasure.
For others, it’s a long awaited, long sought after, delayed delight. We gain a treasure we thought we would never have or know. What a joy!
For some it’s going to be one of the worst heartbreaks you might ever know, involving deep sorrow, pain and loss. Your soul will be torn. What distress.

However it may be, it’s a calling on your life. You are no longer your own.
You belong to the little being who emerged from your body that day and who claims your life unashamedly and unreservedly as his/her own. This little one needs held, nursed, fed and changed. It’s a 24 hour job, raising a child. It’s a labour of unselfish love, no matter the outcome.

As Moms, we may get frustrated and upset. We definitely will be exhausted. Of these, there is no doubt whatsoever.

We will eventually become Mistress of All Trades in the process: nurse, bottle washer, laundry maid, cook, baker, speech therapist, seamstress, janitor, chauffeur, cheerleader, bodyguard, teacher, CEO, even possibly a drill sergeant 😉

We won’t get a sick day, a vacation, a promotion, or a raise, never mind a salary. Yet we will be expected to be everything, everywhere, with eyes in the back of our heads. There will be a lot of expectations and likely very few thank you’s.

But……we will make a difference! We will have an impact. We will leave a legacy. No matter what.
We may have the privilege of seeing all the milestones, all the “firsts”, and be rewarded with precious hugs and smiles and sometimes even an “I love you”. Our children can melt our hearts, bring tears to our eyes and make us so proud.

Our children may also, however, bring us unexpectedly to the brink, and even right to the depths, of grief and sorrow. There is no preparation for that. Only a tenacious and sometimes tough love, only faith. Our faith in the goodness of God may be sorely tested. What an opportunity for renewed trust in a living, loving, and ever present God.

Our children will most certainly teach us about life and love, and God, whether in joy or sorrow, and they will stretch us to our limits. Be ready! This is a journey that will take everything you’ve got!

Our children are a precious gift from God. No matter what. A GIFT. Treasure whatever time you may have with them.

Moms, hang in there! There is no other journey like this one…..

Love and prayers ❤
Ann ❤

10 comments on “For the Moms

  1. Miriam
    May 19, 2016

    What a beautiful post. I treasure the memories I have of my mum.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. suesuzzz
    May 19, 2016

    SO beautiful….and touching for sure…
    I am hanging in there as a parent and she is 25 lol..Oh the ups and downs ..The downs are so rough….But I have faith in God only he knows what the plan is as I put my faith and trust in him…
    Thank you again for such a touching and beautiful post

    Liked by 1 person

    • annj49
      May 19, 2016

      So glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for the feedback. It’s much appreciated.

      I’ve had my ups and downs in parenting too, and I write from my heart in that….

      Liked by 1 person

      • suesuzzz
        May 19, 2016

        I really did enjoy this and you are most welcome ..I just thank you for writing and sharing ..Yes I could tell it was from the heart …very touching…
        I think the ups and downs goes with being a parent lol.. We hope for more ups than downs but we just don’t know what we will get do we lol..

        Liked by 1 person

        • annj49
          May 19, 2016

          Always a surprise. Always keeps us in our toes. I’m sure God gives us our kids knowing our faith will most certainly be S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D 😉

          Liked by 1 person

          • suesuzzz
            May 19, 2016

            Amen to that!!!!… stretched to the limit like you said…so much fun..not lol….

            Liked by 1 person

  3. annj49
    May 19, 2016

    I also know personally people who have experienced the loss (passing) of a child. That has not been my experience, though there have been “losses” in other forms.


  4. Little Voice
    May 23, 2016

    Beautifully written. Lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

    • annj49
      May 23, 2016

      Thanks so much.
      I appreciate the encouragement 🙂


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